The center #speaker is responsible for the replay and positioning of most of the vocal dialogues in the movie. In movies, there are unavoidable dialogue or sound effects from the center of the front sound field. When there is no center channel factory dedicated to replaying these dialogues and sound effects. The sound frequency of the left and right #speakers is diffused, and at the intersection of the front sound field, the voice of the dialogue is converged. Many times, due to the insufficient diffusion angle and focusing ability of the front #speakers, or the crossover design, it is not fully tailored to take care of the room sound effect. Every time it makes the sound image, its size and positioning result in unstable fluctuations. Small, the problem of drift distortion from left to right. Adding the center channel, the vocals are handled exclusively by the center #speaker, and the sound does not need to rely on the front left and right #speakers to converge. Naturally, it uses a single-point source to emit from the middle sound field, which makes the sound localized Like, it is sharper and clearer, naturally stable.